Funded in 1997 to reappraise and hand down to future generations the history and mine culture of the Scalve Valley, the SKI MINE Cooperative of Schilpario offers a number of guided tours around Schilpario caves and mines. These guided tour trails, within the scope of the Parco Minerario Ing. A. Bonicelli” (A. BONICELLI Mining Park) are equipped with electric lighting and allow to discover and experience the ancient mining traditions of the area through photographs, tools, memorabilia and an unforgettable mine train ride. Young, well prepared guides together with ex-miners will take visitors on an exciting, enthralling underground excursion. The tours cover 4 km (the overall mine railway system is 60 km long) and offer a realistic view of the miners’ hard and hazardous life underground. This initiative by SKI MINE aims at becoming a guideline for a new kind of tourism based on mixing environmental and cultural issues and at creating a strong link with past traditions in order to strengthen the identity of the future dwellers and visitors of this splendid valley. Source: